Trịnh, Bình Minh

THE USE OF MANUFACTURING COST IN ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM. A CASE STUDY OF PETRO VIETNAM DRILLING MUD CORPORATION (PVDMC) : Khóa luận tốt nghiệp cử nhân Kinh doanh ngành Kế toán / Trịnh Bình Minh ; Nghd. : Đặng Đức Sơn - Hà Nội : KQT, 2012 - 57 tr. + 1 CD-ROM

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp cử nhân Kinh doanh nghành Kế toán -- Khoa Quốc tế. Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2012

The use of manufacturing cost is the most important problem of all companies. This study provides a theoretical framework for understanding the concepts of the use of manufacturing cost in accounting information systems. Petro Vietnam Drilling Mud Corporation (PVDMC) was affected many method for this problem, and had got many achievements of this field. My dissertation wants to research all the ways, methods, or mistake in the use and control of manufacturing cost of PVDMC.

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