Lê, Tuấn Long

The effectiveness and efficiency of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) accounting system in task performance : Khóa luận tốt nghiệp cử nhân Kinh doanh ngành Kế toán / Lê Tuấn Long ; Nghd. : Đặng Đức Sơn - Hà Nội : KQT, 2013 - 82 tr. + 1 CD-ROM

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp cử nhân Kinh doanh nghành Kế toán -- Khoa Quốc tế. Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2013

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a great enterprise program package both for business and technology point of view. It generates huge changes and benefits for the users. It often requires the implementation of several new systems and their integration with old system to fit in the whole company process. The success of ERP system will depend on the collaboration between departments and their managers. In this research, the basic concepts of ERP system and its’ characteristics are expressed. By reviewing previous studies and researches, the benefit of ERP system is showed. Besides, the implementation of ERP system in a company is analyzed in order to be successful. The researcher sent 220 questionnaires for employees and 30 questionnaires for managers to gather information about attitude toward ERP system in their company, Tran Anh Digital World, JSC. This survey questions are made in order to find out the concerns level of employees and employers toward ERP system in Tran Anh. Besides, it also provide the influences of ERP system to their business process. As the result of the research, ERP system impacts the whole company process, all departments, and aspects. In implementing ERP system, top manager plays a vital role in the project. Employees are also impacts to the ERP system’s implementation by acknowledge and learning ERP system.

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