Nguyễn, Thị Vân Anh

Management accounting and profitability of small and medium enterprise in Hanoi : Khóa luận tốt nghiệp cử nhân Kinh doanh ngành Kế toán / Nguyễn Thị Vân Anh ; Nghd. : Phan Thu Hương - Hà Nội : KQT, 2013 - 55 tr. + 1 CD-ROM

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp cử nhân Kinh doanh nghành Kế toán -- Khoa Quốc tế. Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2013

In many developed countries in the world, management accounting is considered as a career with certified job standards, while in Viet Nam it was first studied in the early 1990 and has been studied systematically since 1999 until now. Therefore the current application of management accounting in Viet Nam’s business firms still has many restrictions. It has not been officially considered as a means to develop enterprises. Through finding out the managerial accounting information in Ha Dong Textile Corporation and basing on the analysis of business results and finance situation as well as outlining the contribution of management accounting in business activities, the management accounting will be showed as an important and significant tool in improving the business operations and results of enterprise. It also will help managers who directed enterprise’s operation make a better decision and control the business in more flexible and efficient way.

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