Personal finance / Jack R. Kapoor...[at al.] - 12th ed. - New York, NY : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2017 - xxxvi, 660, [134] p. : ill. ; 29 cm. - The McGraw-Hill/Irwin series in finance, insurance, and real estate .

E-C7/02040 (original) ; Copy: E-C7/02043

Peace of mind with regard to your financial situation is an attainable and worthwhile goal, and Kapoor, Dlabay, and Hughes provide practical guidance on how to achieve that goal in today's world. For example, the authors suggest actions for improving employability in tough economic times. In addition, Personal Finance addresses getting and staying out of debt; financing a college education; managing a future financial crisis; and investing in conservative securities to minimize losses during economic downturns. Managing your money in order to obtain freedom from financial worries - that's what the 10th edition of Personal Finance is all about



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